This Bromley (Greater London) weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget

HVA Snow Friends

The current number of HVA Snow Friends is 45, out of around 4,900 households, covering 32 roads so far (out of a total of 101).
Please try to keep your area clear of snow and help your neighbours, especially if they are elderly.
Snow shovels and road salt are available from DIY shops during the winter months, and dishwasher salt is usually better than table salt as it provides a bit of grip.
NB a tablespoon of salt will cover a metre of cleared road or pavement.
Most Snow Friends "share" their shovel with their neighbours to allow them to clear their paths and areas in front of their house (and a bit further along the road, if possible!).

"Snow Friends" are usually on stand-by from 1st November to 31st March

We can but hope that Winter 2017-2018 will be as kind as that of last year.
The 2012-2013 Season continued for a longer period than usual (link to photos of HVA Snow Friends group in action in January 2013), while 2013-2014, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 (well, 1 day of snowfall) did not!

Are you already a member of HVA Snow Friends?

Here are links to helpful sites and useful tips.
NB If you break, or have damaged, your shovel please email HVA Snow Friends or send a text message to 07775 943407 as Bromley now runs a repair / re-use service.